
Archive for February 10th, 2011

Used Milling Machines For Sale

February 10th, 2011 Comments off

Used Milling Machines For Sale

Great Details About the CNC Benchtop Milling Machines

CNC (computer numerical controls) benchtop milling machines are gaining popularity nowadays. There are different CNC benchtop models available in the market. One such model is the benchtop drill press. However, a benchtop milling machine, is not similar to a benchtop drill press. A benchtop drill press, keeps the material you are working on, stationary, while the drill press moves vertically. A benchtop drill press is a drilling machine that can be mounted onto workbenches or any hard surface. A benchtop drill press is as powerful and accurate as the heavy floor model drill press. This model is more commonly used for drilling holes in metal, wood and plastic. The benchtop drill is also very economical as compared to floor model press. Benchtop drill presses are generally used for smaller jobs, having up to a 1/3 horsepower motors.

Another benchtop milling machine is the benchtop injection molder, which is a small, hand operated, plastic injection molding machine for making prototypes. The benchtop injection molder is used to reproduce an aluminum or epoxy mold of parts inexpensively, and you can use this machine as often as you need. The benchtop injection molder can be used in a number of ways- for making novelty items for sale, custom made parts for model cars, boats, planes and trains, making or replacing game pieces, making hobby figurines, small tools, appliances to name a few.

Due to the growing technology in CNC milling machines, in both large and small milling models, the top CNC milling manufacturers and suppliers also manufacture the benchtop CNC machines, which are a guaranteed investment and provide a lifetime of strong durable parts. Also, the manufacturers of these
benchtop milling
machines offer extended warranties with excellent customer service


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