Tig Torch Stand Holder – Magnetic Tig Rest
Perhaps the most notable issue faced by a TIG welding operator is where to put the torch when not welding. Often it is draped across the welding machine or just left on the bench which leads to breakages of critical Tig torch components. An ideal solution is to use a Magnetic Tig Torch Stand to mount the torch when not in use. The magnetic tig holders can accommodate left or right handed operation and affix easily to any surface capable of magnetic adhesion. The magnetic tig holders include a bolt mount for securing the stand to the magnetic base cup. Although a novel concept it is best to use a specialised magnetic job clamp for such as found in our Magnetic Job Clamp Section.
The tig torch rest can be purchased here for $29 or added as an option to any Tig welding Machine or Tig welding torch for $22.

red tig torch stand magnetic base

Metalmaster red tig torch stand with magnetic base

Magnetic Tig Torch Stand
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